• Sana'a
  • 24oC


Stories from the ground

UPDATED: Mon,13th Feb,2023

Humanitarian current status

Yemen is no stranger to policymakers and government chambers across the world. The country is facing a civil war, economic collapse and one of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis today.

Yemen is no stranger to policymakers and government chambers across the world. The country is facing a civil war, economic collapse and one of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis today. With over 20 million people in need of assistance, and after years of conflict, Yemen is in need of viable solutions to prevent a worsening situation. The W...
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Ways to help

list of local trusted NGOs in all fields.

Yemen Aid

Yemen Aid

Organizations in the United States and Canada supporting Yemen:



Organizations in the United States and Canada supporting Yemen:


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Global Mind

Global Mind

Organizations in the United States and Canada supporting Yemen:

Direct Relief

Direct Relief

Organizations in the United States and Canada supporting Yemen:


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Nabd Organization - NDEO

Nabd Organization - NDEO

Organizations in Yemen



Organizations in Yemen:

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